Earth:12KB4 ND NFT Catalog 7
Catalog 7
This catalog contains an assortment of astro abstract, science related, urbanscape, and weird women. See the next catalogs by clicking HERE.
The Vampiress Claudette
The allure of the fairer sex. Despite the state of existence, for some it never dies. And so it seems that trade offs can be made and exceptions can lead to sex sums, the additions of the pros if some of the cons are ignored. It's not necrophilia if she's not really dead after all and what was seen as a turnoff can be made with a twist into such turn-ons. The fantasy agreement, of the secret shared in the shadows together- if she doesn't try to kill you, how you passionately impale her, it won't do the same.
Invisibility Stunt
There's magic tricks and then there's just tricks. In this case this is a an actual photo of an scientific invisibility trick - no magic involved despite the fact that it appears that you can see through the marker cap being held between the finger and thumb. It's all a matter of optics and diffraction and a breakthough that the* Marshall Barnes discovered, researched and began to develop in the mid '90s before the War on Terror made commercial exploitation impossible due to wanting to keep the technology out of terrorist hands.
The Hidden Headquarters
Buildings hide secrets. Despite their shape, form or structure, their interiors have no known identity. There is no assurance of their inner geometry or purpose. But we can speculate or as the* Mrshall Barnes does here, raise the question, make the observation as part of an artistic expression if for no other reason than to wonder.
Time Traveller Liar
The image of the biggest liar in the world of physics emerges through a portal of a future time travel scientist. If his mouth is moving and the subject is time travel, this man is either obfuscating, misdirecting, misinfoming, disinforming or outright lying, and his name is at the bottom of the screen. The biggest author of fiction science on the subject. A form of protest art, this photographic, computer enhanced composite quitely mocks the myth it portrays, opening its target to the ridicule it deserves.
The Cosmic Hoola Hooped Hard Boiled Egg
Cosmic pop art gets explored in this composit of video still, cell phone photograph and computer manipulation by the ever creative, the* Marshall Barnes. Coming soon - stellar scrambled planet eggs.
The Owl In Her Eye
They say the eye is the window to the soul. Sometimes those windows are more open than is first thought. The* Marshall Barnes has found one such incident in this actual photograph. Perhaps this woman was channeling her inner Athena.
Parallel Universes Metropolis
The world sometimes seems topsy-turvy or upside down. A mirror universe or alternate world. This image by the* Marshall Barnes, is then fitting despite its metaphorical exhibition since he would later be the one to actual prove the parallel worlds of quantum physics are real.
LC Squadrons
Animated UAP-like figures in video space firing their laser weapons. A video still from the 1980 video space rock album, The Last Communication by the* Marshall Barnes. Don't forget to check 'em out with the 3D red/blue glasses.
Real Estate Redux
A view to a home in the past. But being red/blue glasses enabled, you can return to that day and get a sense of what it was like. A fitting excursion from a time travel inventor like the* Marshall Barnes.