The Art of The* Marshall Barnes
The* Marshall Barnes: Ultimate Expression of Scientist As Artist
Around 2007, the* Marshall Barnes emerged as an artist, engaged in art showings and gallery evernts, including his own one man show with over 30 pieces of art featuring various mixtures of photography, video stills and computer generated graphics. Then in 2011 he took his creativity in the area of technology to the next level and invented the Programable Television Synthersizer - P.TVSynth, a modified color TV which he used to synthesize video inputs from prerecorded media or other external sources and radio waves from across outer space to then become a visual engine with infinite ability to create a mind numbing array of images unprecedented in human history. That combined with the power of the Apple Mac Book Pro gives Marshall infinite power to create art faster than anyone else.
With the explosion of NFTs linked to blockchain, but with various loop holes that leave critical issues unresolved, the* Marshall Barnes created ND NFTs which cannot be faked, have the authentication of an independent source taking the place of blockchain and can still be checked in addition to representing an actual piece of art that holds and maintains its intrinsic value because it can't be digitally replicated as long as the owner keeps it off of the web. The ND NFT therefore acts as an advertisement for the existence of the art while simultaneously protecting its integrity.
As word of these breakthroughs in art begin to spread, the value of these original, 100 ND NFTs should go up as as being part of the original collection, not only as art pieces but art pieces that funded to completion one of the greatest tech breakthroughs in history - TIME TRAVEL TO THE PAST.
21st Century Renaissance Man
The* Marshall Barnes, circa 2009 at a Gallery Hop event, wearing his 3D Hyperspeks.
Below is the offiial logo of the* Marshall Barnes invention, the Programable Television Synthesizer of P.TVSynth. Many of the images in this ND NFT collection were created solely or in part with the P.TVSynth.
These gallery scenes are an opportunity to get a feel for what The* Marshall Barnes' work would look like enlarged at various scales.
The* Marshall and the Mac
The* Marshall Barnes poses with friend and internationally celebrated artist Mac Worthington in Mac's downtown gallery circa 2017.