The Art...
The Art Behind The Earth:12KB4 ND NFTs
The* Marshall Barnes is the genius behind the entire Earth:12KB4 project - all aspects of it. He's the scientist who won the double blind peer-review of his work, showing the basis for time travel that supports the prediction of Neil Turok of the Perimeter Institute of Theoretical Physics. But beyond that he invented the ND NFT as a financial tool, adding to his work of developing alternatives to blockchain with its own authenticity outside of blockchain, as well as being the artist behind all of the art sold as part or the ND NFTs. His background in the arts is impressive, at one point in high school he was invited to attend David Rockefeller Jr's Arts, Education and American's conference because he was deemed the best example of the kind of student the Arts Impact program could produce. His work includes video art and his invention of the Programable Television Synthesizer which made its debut on the Behance art website as a video stills device and on Art Review as video special effects engine . His lo-fi piece, Parallel Universes, garnered attention in London, Toronto and in the US with its video synthesized style, his invented DEMI Samples singular keyboard soundtrack and real life sci-fi theme of life imitating science fiction to then have science fiction imitate that life - his own.
One of the areas that Marshall concentrated some research on was optics which included experiments with bi-chroma lenes - red/blue and orange/blue and various configurations to achieve the effect. He applies much of what he learned to many of the ND NFTs in our catalogs to exhibit a variety of 3D effects which are an extension of his work in gallery exhibits where his own special glasses - hyperspeks, were made available to patrons for viewing the art through them.
Marshall's style as an artist is a panorama that spans portraits, still life, impressionistic, op art, pop art, abstract, surrealism, urban landscape, and more, reflecting in many ways his equally diverse talents as a multiinstrumentalist as well as a composer/songwriter. It is just a facet of his devastating array of talents that make him literally the most innovative person on Earth at a time when it's running out of time...
"There's no doubt, the man's a genius..."
- Derrick Hodge, Chainosys
The* Marshall Barnes: The perfect synthesis of artist and scientist...
The* Marshall Barnes' video art piece, Parallel Universes.
Heavily influenced by Todd Rundgren's mid 70's work.
Below: Marshall at a gallery event wearing his 3D Hyperspeks.